stored procedure 2 « Stored Procedure « JPA Q&A

1. Stored Procedure Usage in Hibernate 3

Hi All: I have seen several postings in the forums on Stored Procedures. However, i am still having problems executing the stored procedure. I am getting the follwing exception when I try to run the named query.. *************************************************************** * named native SQL query invoiceuser.selectAllInvoiceUsers_SP */ { ? = call selectAllInvoiceUsers() } [11/12/06 14:33:22:025 CST] 00000060 JDBCException W org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions SQL Error: ...

2. calling Hibernate Stored Procedures - help needed

Hey there. We are trying to re-write an application using Hibernate/Spring/JSF. This is a legacy app where a majority of the logic resides inside of the database as stored procedures. As part of our application, we have a stored procedure that does some logging, system maintainance, and puts a row into a table. This stored procedure doesn't return a value. From ...

3. How to invoke a stored procedure from hibernate

I am trying to invoke a stored procedure that inserts a record and returns the status as out parameter using hibernate 2.1.7. The stored procedure resides in the Oracle 10.2 database. Can any one please send me the sample code related to this requirement(required config in .hbm.xml and the java code to invoke the SP). We are not able to locate ...

4. Regarding usage of stored procedures

I'm looking for information regarding the usage of stored procedures instead and/or within the persistence framework. The application has many complex stored procedures, I mean, each one has between 10 and 20 complex queries with 4 to 8 joined tables, and we don't like to move all that code to the application server and coded in Java. So far I'm almost ...

5. How to deal with syntax differences calling stored procedure

Don't know where you got the idea that stored procedures would make your application database-independent, because it does the exact opposite. The key is to either abstract away database-specific calls and syntax by using an ORM (which I assume you know of since you are here), or make the JDBC calls totally generic (e.g. ISO99) and live with the performance degradation. ...

6. Stored Procedure with out and in

false ...

7. Stuck up with stored procedure using hibernate

Hello I am using hibernate 3.0.5. I wrote a simple stored procedure which returns data from multiple tables. How can I get this data and how to do the mappings? I referred to documentation 16.2.2 but still not able solve the problem. Procedure is as follows: CREATE PROCEDURE selectEmpDepts (@id numeric(19,0)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT EMP_Name, DEPT_ID FROM T_EMP e, ...

8. Using stored procedures

9. Stored procedure support

10. HIbernate EHCache and Stored Procedure

Hi all, This is my first post and i am a novice to Hibernate. Just a quick question. Here is my requirement. i have few stored procedures to call in my application and want this to be fast. possibly there is no ORM involved. can i use EHcache to cache the result set returned by my SP's so that every time ...

11. Stored procedure and many-to-one relationship

After many search, my colleague found a solution. First case : one stored procedure for the "COMMANDE" and the "FOURNISSEUR" is loaded automatically by Hibernate (lazy or not lazy) Code:

12. Calling Stored Procedures

13. How Hibernate invokes Stored Procedures

Hi Guys, I have a Sql Server Stored Procedure that I need Hibernate to invoke. However, I have NO CLUE how hibernate invokes a stored procedures. I feel helpless because there are not a lot of step-by-step examples on this. I'm using Spring + Hibernate. I cannot create a HQL for this query, because Hibernate does not recognize SQL Server's "FREETEXT" ...

14. Hibernate tool for stored procedure?

I have downloaded Hibernate3.2.0 tool and was able to use it on Eclipse 3.2 version. I am using Hibernate 3 version as this version support Stored Procedure call but I didn't find any option to create mapping files for Stored Procedure object, I did see all schema tables and views. I need to know if there is a different tool which ...

15. Stored procedures with hibernate


16. Stored Procedure Flexibility in Hibernate?

Hibernate version: 3.2.5 Oracle version: 10g I am working with legacy code where a lot of the logic and access control are in stored procedures. Many of the stored procedures do not follow Hibernate's rules/limitations For example, the stored function I want to call returns a sequence number instead of the number of rows inserted. Code: FUNCTION INSERTLOGENTRY ( ...

17. Using Stored Procedures

Hi I am using Hibernate 3.1.Trying to retrieve data from a stored Procedure. My stored Procedure is create procedure GET_DEPT_PROCEDURE(P_CURSOR OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,dno IN NUMBER) BEGIN open P_CURSOR for select * from DEPT where deptno=dno; END; My hbm file contains the named query as { call ...

18. How calling a stored procedure with Hibernate

Hi, I'm trying to call a stored procedure written on Oracle9 by a JAVA program. I created a mapping file which contains the following information : Code: ...

19. how to call derby stored procedure in hibernate

20. How to call Stored Procedure in Hibernate

21. Creating/Calling Stored Procedures

I'm looking for a way to create and call stored procedures with hibernate. The SP will be a simple row delete based on an expression that should run daily. Currently i'm using annotations so the only example i've seen is within a configuration file. I would like to avoid this if possible. Anyone have any documents, examples, or suggestions?

22. Create stored procedure on Hibernate init

Hi guys we make extensive use of hibernate in our project but for BIRT reporting we are using straight JDBC queries. The reporting component has grown such that there is now a need for a stored procedure to do some heavy lifting for us. I want to know if as part of the hibernate start up where by it will create ...

23. Stored procedures and hibernate

Hi, I am new to hibernate, so please forgive me, if this is a too easy answer: I want to access a stored procedure on an oracle database via hibernate. The SELECT - Statement I want to transform is like the following: "Select stored_procedure_name ('abc', '123') from dual". What do I have to do to transform it ? best regards, daniel ...

24. how to call a stored procedure using hibernate 3.0

Thanks a lot for ur reply. The example which is given in 16.2.2 i was able to execute it. Can u please tell how to call a stored procedure with parameters. For example: 2 input parameters and 1 output parameter, (or) 1 input parameter with a list of output values, etc.... Please tell me whether it is possible or not. Once ...

25. Stored Procedure Question

Some body know if is possible translate this code to hibernate, I'm unable to find how do it, or hibernate at this moment is unable to do calls to some stored procedures? several limitations or inability from hibernate to do it? callableStatement = session.connection().prepareCall("{call SPDB.GET_DATAPROPS(?,?,?,?,?)}"); callableStatement.setString(1,"callback_nb"); callableStatement.setInt(2,134); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.NUMBER); callableStatement.registerOutParameter(5, OracleTypes.VARCHAR); callableStatement.execute(); Obviously hibernate is so green at this ...

26. How to call the stored procedures from Hibernate

27. Would like opinions on stored procedure approach given here

I have an Oracle stored procedure that I would like to execute that performs several inserts/updates. I did not set up a REF CURSOR return type for the function as the Hibernate documentation states, but I took the following approach instead. One of the reasons that I proceeded as follows is that I need the procedure call to be in the ...

28. Hibernate vs. stored procedures

Is there any official documentation on the pros/cons of using Hibernate (or ORM in general) vs. stored procedures for all CRUD operations? Obviously for application portability benefit, it's safe to use JPA with Hibernate as your persistence provider, for example, and when you change RDBMS from MSSQL to Oracle, for example, you're safe. This is not necessarily true with using sprocs ...

29. Stored procedure with currentSchema

30. Hibernate and stored procedures

Is it possible to use Hibernate with only stored procedures? My organization does not allow SQLs outside of stored procs and I am trying to see if Hibernate will work with only stored procedures. For basic CRUD operations, I can define custom SQLs/SPs with sql-insert/sql-update/loader/etc. But what about joins? Thanks for any info!

31. Calling unmapped stored procedure

Hi there. I have read some stuff on the internet (and, of course, on the manual), but I didn't find out how to call a stored procedure without mapping it. Well, you might ask me why don't I want to map it. In fact, it's because of my boss' order. I have some tables that are used to count a lot ...

32. Calling Stored procedure using hibernate

Hi, I'm very new to Hibernate. Friends, I would like to know, is it possible to call stored procedure in java using hibernate? If yes, How it can be done. If a stored procedure return a resultset how to deal with that?Is it database dependent? I have been chasing around the web trying to find any concrete examples of configuring Hibernate ...

33. stored procedures in JPA

34. How to call stored procedure in hibernate

35. Hibernate and Stored Procedures

Hi, I've been reading some stuff about Hibernate and as I see, the aim is to make a bridge between object oriented language (in this case, java) and relational database systems in order to avoid this complex mixed code with sql statements and java language.Using Hibernate we can have a clearly separation between this two languages and much better modularity approach. ...